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Connecticut Environmental News
COMPARE 6503 & 6426 ::
HB 6503 ::
Connecticut Energy Alternatives
Connecticut's residents who are concerned about the availability of electric power energy to light, heat and cool their homes and businesses may want to learn more about the Department of Public Utility Control's (DPUC) alternative to Transitional Standard Offer (TSO) that gives Connecticut's electric consumers a clean energy choice. This alternative program, entitled CTCleanEnergyOptions, provides an environmentally friendly alternative to traditionally generated electricity.
cite: wattsnewct.com
Wind energy is a clean and inexhaustible energy source. Each year one 215-foot-tall wind turbine prevents the release of nearly 4 million pounds of CO2 which contribute to global warming. When compared to the average electric generation mix, the carbon dioxide benefit is equivalent to planting over 3,800 trees or taking 315 cars off the road each year!
cite: communityenergy.biz
Residential Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Rebate Program
Program Information for Connecticut Residents. Rebates are available of up to $25,000 per household. The Connecticut Clean Energy Fund offers rebates through designated participating installers for Connecticut residents who install solar photovoltaic systems on their homes. The program offers an incentive of $5 per Watt for system and installation costs. Homes can be one to four family residences. The incentives are available on the first 5 kW of any size system. A complete list of eligible installers is available at ctcleanenergy.com. [Download pdf file here]
cite: ctcleanenergy.com
NewWind Energy®
An emission-free renewable energy certificate product supplied by newly developed state-of-the-art wind farms in the Mid-Atlantic, New York, New England and Illinois. Participant in the Connecticut Clean Energy Program. New wind turbines are the fasterst growing and most cost-effective renewable energy technology - producing electricity without fuel and with no pollution.
Contact: NewWind Energy®, 150 Strafford Avenue, Suite 210, Wayne, PA 19087, 1-866-WIND-123, communityenergy@newwindenergy.com.
cite: newwindenergy.com
Adopt-a-Windmill Program
Your congregation, school, township, or organization can now join together to adopt your own state-of-the-art windmill! Help an adopt-a-windmill campaign reach the goal of purchasing the entire electrical output of one new state-of-the-art wind turbine! The more blocks you purchase - the more wind farms Community Energy can bring on line.
Contact: Community Energy, 150 Strafford Avenue, Suite 210, Wayne, PA 19087, 1-866-WIND-123, communityenergy@newwindenergy.com. cite: communityenergy.biz
Sterling Planet
Founded in 2000 and based in the Atlanta area, Sterling Planet was the nation's first company to offer every U.S. home and business a way to reduce the environmental impact of electricity that is produced by use of fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas. Today, Sterling Planet is the nation's leader in retail renewable kilowatt hour (kWh) sales, with nearly 2,000,000,000 kWh sold from facilities nationwide that generate electricity by using renewable fuel sources - the sun, wind, water, geothermal activity and organic bioenergy. A Connecticut Department of Utility Control licensed renewable energy supplier and a participant in the New Clean Electricity Options in Connecticut for customers of Connecticut Light & Power Company (CL&P) and The United Illuminating Company.
Contact: Sterling Planet, 3295 River Exchange Drive, Suite 300, Norcross, GA 30092, 678-325-3170, Residential customer service toll-free number: 1 877-457-2306, info@sterlingplanet.com. cite: sterlingplanet.com
For more information, download these files:
Renewable Energy Certificate (pdf file)
Major Benefits of Purchasing Renewable Energy (pdf file)
LEED® Certification Points (pdf file)