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Village Civics
Connecticut Media
What's On TV?
AM Stations
WICH 1310 AM:
Personality Radio: Mark Wayne from 5:30 AM to 10 AM. Local news, weather, sports, and issues with Middle of the Road music mixed in. Stu Bryer from l0 AM to 2 PM. For 35 years, Stu has been entertaining listeners and hosts the "Potpourri" talk show which airs each day, along with Swaps and the Oldies hour when Stu take you back to the 50's and 60's and plays records including 45's on the air! Saturday line up includes Don Kennedy hosting "Big Band Jump" from 7 AM to 9 AM with Big Bands and Vocalists of yesterday and today, featuring both original and later Swing music and Magic Garden 9 AM to 10 AM, a live call-in question/answer show with plant and garden expert Mort White.
cite: wich.com
WILI 1400 AM:
Tune in weekday mornings for complete local news and sports reports with Mike Morrissette and Wayne Norman. Follow UConn men's and women's basketball all season on WILI.
cite: wili.com/am/
WSUB 980 AM:
News. Talk radio. 7 Governor Winthrop Blvd, New London CT, 860-443-1980
FM Stations
WBMW 106.5 FM:
Soft Rock and Less Talk! WBMW broadcasts with the highest amount of power, from the highest tower in Eastern Connecticut. WBMW is heard from the Massachusetts border to Long Island.
cite: wbmw.com
WCNI 90.9 FM:
WCNI is a non-commercial, non-profit educational radio station that is owned and managed by Connecticut College Community Radio Inc. (CCCR). The radio station is located on the campus of Connecticut College and is operated on a daily basis by the members of a student organization, recognized by the Connecticut College Student Government Association. Residents of the local community are always encouraged to participate in the station's operation, and many community residents as well as Connecticut College students have radio programs.
cite: wcniradio.org
WCTY 97.7 FM:
Continuous Country Favorites. Contest Phone: 860-886-1515, Fax: 860-886-7649, Concert Line: 860-383-1170. Stop by and pick up your brand new WCTY bumper sticker at Hi-Way Campers RT 12, Plainfield, Tawnya's Bridal Shop Providence Street, Putnam, or in Norwich from Surplus Unlimited, West Main Street or 97.7 WCTY on Cuprak Road. Then listen to WCTY on Wednesday mornings beginning at 6 AM for your license plate number, and call back to win CASH! [LISTEN LIVE]
cite: wcty.com
WILI 98.3 & 97.5 FM:
i-98 interactive . . . where music and technology collide! Be the first to know about i-98's latest promotions and contests! The online home of the station playing the Most non-Stop Music Every Hour.
cite: wili.com/fm/
WNLC 98.7 FM:
Classic Hits 98.7 WNLC brings you the BEST sounds from the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Contest Phone:
860-383-1171, Fax 860-442-6532 [LISTEN LIVE]
cite: wnlc.com
KOOL 101 FM:
Southeast Connecticut's newest station is KOOL 101. KOOL 101 plays a well-balanced mix of the best rock 'n' roll music from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Register your office today, for the KOOL101 "Office Pizza Party" [LISTEN LIVE]
cite: kool101fm.com
Connecticut Public Radio WNPR:
88.5 FM Stamford/Greenwich, 89.1 FM Norwich/New London, 90.5 FM Hartford/New Haven, 91.3 FM Southampton, 99.5 FM Storrs
cite: wnpr.org
WWRX 107.7 FM:
R&B and Hip Hop! Jammin 107.7 Interactive Listener Request Line 860-464-1077. Traffic and Weather Updates every 15 minutes. 8 o'clock emails on the air. PO Box 357, Ledyard, CT 06339
cite: jammin1077.com