North East Digital Village
Resources for Connecticut Parents
GreatKidsCT: cite: Web site for parents devoted to information on parenting, education, and health and safety. Resources available on this site are related to children from birth to eight.
A Democracy Toolkit for Parents: cite: Elaine Zimmerman, Executive Director, Connecticut Commission on Children. "Parent opinions are often unheard. They lack advocacy skills, but not the motivation or will to change their children's lives. Child and family policy without the parent voice behind it is like a family without generations, one-sided, lonely and not as efficient . . . "
Guia para Padres, para hablar con sus hijos acerca de la Guerra: cite: La posibilidad de escuchar tranquilamente las inquietudes de sus hijos es una de las maneras mas poderosas de ayudarlos a aprender, a entender y a sentirse seguros en el lugar mas importante de su mundo - su familia.
Parents' Guide for Talking to their Children about War: cite: "Your calm ability to listen to your children's concerns is one of the most powerful ways of helping them to learn, understand and feel safe and secure in the most important part of their world - their families."
Helping Our Children Deal With Shocking Events: cite: People hurting people simply doesn't make sense. Moms and Dads are called upon to handle these sad and unwelcome events in ways that hurt children as little as possible.
Parent Involvement Results in Positive Outcomes for Children: cite: The involvement of parents in children's learning shows excellent longitudinal gains for children as well as the institutions providing the learning environment.
Parent Leadership Training Institute: cite: Goals include to (1) help parents become the leaders they would like to be for children and families;(2) expand the capacity of parents as change agents for children and families; (3) develop communities of parents within regions of the state that will support one another in skills development and successful parent action for children; (4) facilitate systems change for parental involvement with increased utilization of parents in policy and process decisions; (5) increase parent-child interactions and improve child outcomes through parent involvement.
Help for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: cite: Two state-funded programs target grandparents who assume legal guardianship of their grandchildren. The Department of Children and Families' (DCF) subsidized guardianship program is for grandparents and other relatives who care and become guardians for abused and neglected children committed to DCF's custody. The Children’s Trust Fund provides kinship grants that help grandparents who become guardians of children who did not come into DCF custody pay for some nonrecurring costs of child rearing such as a bed or summer camp.
HOTLINE for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: cite: A new service for custodial grandparents. Each day, Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM, grandparents can call (203)789-7645 and ask for the Cool Line. Questions about parenting their grandchildren, covering such issues as sleeping problems, discipline, angry or sad feelings or simply what to expect as a child grows will be answered within two working days by experts in the field of child development.
North East Digital Village Parent Place: cite: Information and links for parents
