100 days to Save the Whale
North East Digital Village
Gone from Yesterday & Today
Dino Directory - USA:
What were dinosaurs? Learn more from this online directory of dinosaurs believed to have lived the the USA.
cite: internt.nhm.ac.uk
Dinosaurs and other extinct creatures:
Dinosaurs were several types of extinct prehistoric reptile that lived 230-65 million years ago. But did they completely die out or do they live among us today in the form of birds? And could scientists recreate a T. rex from fossilised amber? Find out the answers to these and many other questions in our collection of articles, fact files and webcasts. Plus discover the secrets of other extinct species, such as the dodo and the giant sloth.
cite: nhm.ac.uk
Dinosauria On-Line:
A broad exposure to dinosaur science
cite: dinosauria.com
Dinosaurs in Hawaii!:
Check out the narrated tour all about Dinosaur fossils.
cite: honolulu.hawaii.edu
Map and information about dinosaurs that once lived in Utah, USA
cite: infowest.com/Utah/dinosaurland/
On the Heels of Dinosaurs:
An Informal History of the Texas "Man Track" Controversy. A collection of articles reviewing the history of the Paluxy controversy and evidence involved, articles on other alleged out-of-order fossils and artifacts, and information and links on dinosaur tracks in general.
cite: paleo.cc/paluxy/

Other Extinct Creatures
Rare & Extinct Creatures: Learn about:
The Warrah, a wolf-like predator that evolved on the Falkland Islands independent of any related species. The Quagga, a yellowish-brown zebra with stripes only on its head, neck and shoulders native to desert areas of the African continent until it was exterminated in the wild in the 1870s. The Thylacine, a marsupial related to kangaroos and also known as the marsupial wolf or marsupial tiger. Resembling the placental wolf, its head was longer and its legs proportionately shorter. Its similarity to wolves and dogs is an example of convergent evolution. Also, Dodos, The Great Auk, The Elephant Bird, and the Giant Moa.
cite: messybeast.com
Moa: A short history of the world's tallest birds:
In 1840, Richard Owen announced one of his most important discoveries: his identification of the bones of a giant bird from New Zealand. Moa now rank among the world's most famous extinct birds. Join Museum bird curator Jo Cooper to explore how palaeontologists have come to understand these unique creatures, starting with Owen's finds and ending with ancient DNA. (Be sure to see the video!)
cite: nhm.ac.uk
Museums with Extinct Creature Collections & Exhibits
College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum: 155 East Main Street, Price Utah, 435-613-5060, 800-817-9949
Natural and cultural processes that formed the geologic, fossil and prehistoric human records found in Eastern Utah.
cite: museum.ceu.edu/