North East Digital Village
Welcome to the NEDV web place for Parents. Our Kids and Parents pages are created for your family. We've provided links to places that offer news, information, and support for parents and other kid people. If you have any ideas or suggestions, or would be interested in contributing to this page, please contact us at THE VILLAGE

General Parenting
Windham Parent Network
The Windham Parent Network, c/o WRCC 872 Main St, Willimantic, CT 06226
Phone: 423-4534 x321, Email:
Aim to support, educate and involve parents as active participants in improving the quality of life for the children of Windham. Founded in 1997 by 15 area parents with the mission of making Windham the best place to raise a family. The network aims to address the needs of area families while engaging parents in the work - with belief that parents have the power to make Windham dynamic, family friendly, plus a safe place to live, learn and grow.
The Parenthood Web
A variety of articles and news about infants, toddlers and being a parent. Mostly news and articles for parents of ifants, toddlers and elementary school age kids.
Managing normal tantrums: 10 tips for parents.
Strategies for avoiding tantrums and keeping them from coming back.
10 Guidelines for Living with Children
Catch 'em being good. Let them help you. Monitor your children. Home routines and responsibilities should (within reason) be orderly and predictable. Discipline and enforcement of discipline should be as matter of fact as possible. Lectures belong in lecture halls; not in homes. Show sympathy when you discipline. Prompting and modeling, or imitating. Be a [parent], not a martyr. Parents are teachers.
Encouraging Healthy Habits
Make daily hygiene child's play! An effective day-to-day health regimen is what keeps most kids going strong—that is, if they get with the program. Here are some ways to encourage your child to incorporate healthy habits into her daily routine.
cite: by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish,
Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables: Dole's tips offer a number of tried and true techniques for getting kids to eat more fruits and vegetables.
Easy Ways to Get Your 5 A Day: Eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables is easy, especially if you have a plan. These guidelines can help you develop your plan for fitting in 5 A Day everyday.
I Don't Wanna Go to the Doctor!
Working through your child's fear of visiting the pediatrician. Whether it's flu season or time for a yearly checkup, it's not unusual for a child to feel anxious about a visit to the doctor. The following strategies can help to ease anxiety and avoid meltdowns.
cite: by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish,
ParentsPlace is a community where parents can connect, communicate and celebrate the adventures of parenting. Commercial site.
Whole Family Center features interactive skill-building tools and services, special chats, live radio and support communities.
Pictorial Pediatric Symptom Checklist Form
A brief checklist to identify emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents. This is a pictorial version of the form.

About Babies
2 Week Visit
What you should expect at the your babies first doctor's visit. You will have an opportunity to talk about your baby's growth and development. Your health care provider will ask for an update on your baby's health, your baby will have a physical examination and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.
Pregnancy is a very special time in a person's life. Educating yourselves to be good consumers, knowing your options, and how to provide yourselves with the best possible care are essential to a healthy pregnancy. Enjoy the many links of educational, informational, and personal nature.
Baby Place
Welcome to the Baby Place (formerly known as Baby Web), the starting point for parents for information on pregnancy, birth, and babies.
Zero to Three
National Center for Infants, Toddlers & Families - Young Explorers. For parents, with questions about their child's development, or who want to know what do to in order to ensure your child's happy and healthy development. ZERO TO THREE helps you navigate this critical period. Since 1977, they've brought together the fields of medicine, child development, research science and human behavior, to focus exclusively on the first three years of life.
2 Little-Known Tips To Bring About Baby Crawling
Anyone can do the following 2 little-known tips to get their baby crawling.
Cutting Costs While Raising Babies Raising children is expensive, so saving money wherever you can is important. Here are a few simple ways to cut your costs when you have a baby.
From Toddler to Pre-School
1 Year Visit
What you should expect at the one year visit. This is a good time to ask your questions about your child's development.
2 Year Visit
What to expect at well child visits for toddlers, including things to do after the visit
Building Blocks for a Healthy Future
Created to support you as you set aside time to share with your children. Talk and play with them, and learn about them. Let them know you love them. Be involved now and you and your children will find it easier to talk about alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs as they get older. Studies have found that parents who talk to their children about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs help them avoid substance abuse. The family section is designed for parents and caregivers of children ages 3 to 6. [DOWNLOAD the Building Blocks Family Guide]
Building Preschool and School Skills
Tips for parents on getting kids ready for school or kindergarten.
cite: Frances P Glascoe Ph.D.,
Catch Them Being Good
As your baby approaches 18 months to 2 years old, he will start to define his boundaries. NO will be heard a lot around your house - and it should be. It is vital that he learn where he stops and the rest of the world starts. This is also the stage when some discipline may be called for. He may start to experiment with hitting or biting, and temper tantrums are just around the corner. . . This is where the title of the piece comes in: try as much as possible to catch her being good.
Practical advice and tips on Parenting Toddlers
Parenting toddlers . . . ensuring your toddlers' safety, potty training, disciplining your toddler, and various activities for your toddler. This site is dedicated to all parents with toddlers.
40 Developmental Assets for Toddlers
40 developmental assets for toddlers (13 to 35 months) that blend the Search Institute's research on developmental assets for adolescents with research on healthy child development. (The Search Institute is an independent nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide leadership, knowledge, and resources to promote healthy children, youth, and communities. Connected to the Lutheran community.)
ABC Home Preschool
Site for parents teaching their children preschool at home. Homeschooling Curriculums for Age 2, Age 3 and Age 4 thru 6 year olds.
Child Day Care
National Network for Child Care
NNCC unites the expertise of many of the nation's leading universities through the outreach system of Cooperative Extension. Goal is to share knowledge about children and child care from the vast resources of the landgrant universities with parents, professionals, practioners, and the general public. Practical information and resources for everyday work with children.
Educational Information
Education Place
Elementary resources for teachers, students, and parents. Includes Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies Centers, activity database, educational games, and textbook support.
Bright Horizons Family Solutions
Bright Horizons Family Solutions provides employer-sponsored child care, early education and work/life solutions.
Children, Youth and Families Education and Research Network
CYFERNet is a national network of Land Grant university faculty and county Extension educators working to support community-based educational programs for children, youth, parents and families. Through CYFERNet, partnering institutions merge resources into a "national network of expertise" working collaboratively to assist communities.
Gifted & Talented World
GT World is an on-line support community for parents of Gifted and Talented children. Others interested in supporting and nurturing gifted and talented children are also most welcome.
