
North East Digitial Village
Parks Around the World
United States
US National Parks
National Parks in the United States are generally large natural places with a wide variety of features - beautiful views, camping, hiking, birding, native animals and aquatic creatures waterways and historic sites. Hunting and mining are not allowed.
The park system was established by President Theodore Roosevelt and has grown steadily since. The National Park System includes parks, monuments, reserves and historic sites. The parks were created to save the beauty and majesty of some of the most incredible places in North America.
National Park Resources & Guides
The Park System provides tours, guides and facilties all over the country as well as discount passes for seniors, children, families and handicapped individuals.
Thank you to Ms. S. Jennings and her class from the Monument Charter Schools for taking the time to write to us and for letting us know how she uses this section of our site when working with her students - and, especially for her students enthusiasm for sharing an additional resource that they use. (See Ms. Jennings email to us and the students link directly below.) And - Ms. Jennings - WE ARE THRILLED YOU ARE USING OUR PAGE! It is exactly why our site has grown (overgrown!) so much and with an emphasis on child-safe and child-friendly content. We are educators at heart and using our site to further your efforts with your class help make all our work worthwhile.
Email from Teacher, Steph Jennings
Fri, 4 Feb 2011
My name is Steph and I hope that I am not intruding on your day. I have been using your page (http://nedv.net/parks/) for topics and ideas to engage my students with and it has been very beneficial to myself and my students so thank you. If you would prefer that I didn't use your page please let me know.
One of my students found another great page that we would like to share with you as a thank you for your wonderful site, (http://www.usa-people-search.com/content-national-parks-of-usa-and-their-influence-on-architecture.aspx) and we would love to know what you think. I am trying to teach my students to be proactive and engage with other educators outside of their own classrooms because I truly believe that it is pivotal to their long-term success. If you like the page and happen to use the link please let me know so I can share that with my students and revisit your page, and I know she will absolutely tickled pink with the idea of contributing to your page! My students are actually the ones who persuaded me to write you! Thank you so much for taking the time to read our email and I hope you have a wonderful day and all the best wishes!! :)
- National Park Foundation: NPF is here to tell the stories of the National Park experience, and to educate and inspire people to get involved with their National Parks.
- US National Parks:Providing information on all USA National Parks
- Go Northwest!: the Pacific Northwest includes the states of Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington, with a small extension into Wyoming via Yellowstone National Park.
- Utah: With five national parks, Utah is America's national parks capital! The national parks include: Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Arches National Park, Canyonlands National Park, and Capitol Reef National Park.
- The American Southwest: A Guide to the National Parks and Natural Landscapes of Southwest USA
- Mapping the National Parks: collection documents the history, cultural aspects and geological formations of areas that eventually became National Parks.
- Death Valley National Park: more than 3.3 million acres of spectacular desert scenery, rare desert wildlife, complex geology, undisturbed wilderness and sites of historical interest. Death Valley is unique because it contains the lowest, hottest, driest location in North America.
- Area Parks Network: A comprehensive guide to every national park within the United States of America. This network also includes many of the national monuments.

US State Parks
