North East Digital Village
Voting Rights & Democracy
Common Cause cite: (commoncause.org) Nonprofit, nonpartisan citizen's lobbying organization promoting open, honest and accountable government and acts as a voice of the people against corruption in government and big money special interests.
Demos cite: (demos-usa.org) Committed to bringing everyone into the life of American democracy and to achieving a broadly shared prosperity characterized by greater opportunity and less disparity. Demos works on issues of voter registration and participation, campaign finance reform, and reducing economic inequality.
Project Vote Smart cite: (vote-smart.org) Provides information on the government and a variety of issues like affirmative action, immigration, and campaign finance.
Rock the Vote cite: (rockthevote.org) This initiative seeks to protect freedom of speech, educate young people about the issues that affect them, and motivate young people to participate in the democratic process by registering to vote, voting, and speaking out.
The League of Women Voters cite: (lwv.org) A nonpartisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
Beyond Voting
Connecticut: How to testify at public hearings: Fact sheet on how to get through the the legislative maze so you can testify at Public Hearing. Topics: Who Can Testify At Public Hearings of the General Assembly?
How Do You Find Out About Hearings? How Much Notice Will I Get? How Do I Find Out the Procedures for Testifying at a Hearing? What Should I Expect at the Hearing? You Have Been Called On, Now What? Some Hints on Testifying. cite: (ctkidslink.org)
The White House Project: cite: (thewhitehouseproject.org) The White House Project strives to support women and the issues that allow women to lead in their own lives and in the world. When women leaders bring their voices, vision and leadership to the table alongside men, the debate is more robust and the policy is more inclusive and sustainable. By supporting women and the values that allow women to succeed-the full range of health options, security platforms that utilize all our resources, economic stability for all—we work to create an equitable culture.
How to Develop Advocacy Strategy: cite: (Jim Shultz, Director, Democracy Center - democracyctr.org) One of the most common confusions in the development of advocacy strategy is the difference between "strategy" and "tactics." Tactics are specific actions - circulating petitions, writing letters, staging a protest - which are the building blocks of advocacy. Strategy is something larger, an overall map that guides the use of these tools toward clear goals. Strategy is a hard-nosed assessment of where you are, where you want to go, and how you can get there.
Sign or Create a Petition: cite: (thepetitionsite.com) Anyone can create a petition !
The Basics of Lobbying: cite: (democracyctr.org) Lobbying legislators is about persuading them to do what you want. Read several approaches to lobbying for what you want.