North East Digital Village
The Weather Watch
National Weather Sites
Weather Information from KSL TV
United States National Weather Service
Active Warnings for Flash Floods, Floods, Non Precipitations, Winter Storms. Interactive Weather Information Network (IWIN) !!
International Weather Sites
Rain or Shine Weather
Weather Reports from over 800 National and International Locations
Earth Watch
Weather on Demand
Weather Education
Annenberg/CPB Project - Weather
Weather forecasts may be more stable in other parts of the world, but the basic idea stands. Weather is dynamic, the product of interacting forces we are only beginning to understand.
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Weather
Earth Science - Atmosphere
From Frank Potter's Science Gems
Weather School
Systems - Weather : A Hotlist of Resources
A UEN www.Activity
Internet Weather Project
from the Delta Technical Center
Illinois Weather
Where does cold-air come from in the winter? What causes lake effect snow? How do storms make tornadoes? How can we improve forecasts of hurricane tracks and hurricane rainfall? Why are cyclones over the ocean different from those over land? Interested in studying weather? Want to help other scientists solve these questions some day? Check out the University Of Illinois, Department of Atmospheric Sciences.
Weather Education from the National Weather Service
Guide to Meteorology From the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Weather Underground from the University of Michigan
Weather Center from the University of Utah.
Space Weather
Space Weather
Presented by the Space Environment Center
Space Science and Engineering Center
The Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) is a global leader in the analysis and distribution of geostationary satellite data.
Meteorology and Climatology
from the University of Birmingham (England)
NCDC: Get/View Online Climate Data
NCDC is the world's largest active archive of weather data.
Clouds and Precipitation from the University of Illinois
General Information and Other Link Sites
Connecting you to the world of Weather
Internet Weather Links Online Sources of Weather Information, and Experiments.
Weather Photography
Australian Weather Photography
Beautiful photos from throughout Australia
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