True Colors Annual Conference XIX
Celebrating Our Allies
Friday, March 16 & Saturday, March 17, 2012

North East Digital Village
W o m e n
Why a special section for and about women? Because:
>>Despite all the legal and social advances for the rights and treatment of women in the United States and around the world - much remains to be done.
>>Despite significant changes to the way women are treated in the workplace and community, women are still discriminated against, abused, and, while earning less for equal work - still carrying more than their share of the responsibility of raising children and running households
>>Worldwide women still lack the right to determine their own future, own property and vote
>>Worldwide woman are still burned, stoned and murdered for acts that men are not so punished for or for acts outside a woman's control
>>World wide young girls and women are still sold into slavery for the amusement of and service to men
Women's "history" remains untold in our schools, colleges and universities as part of the mainstream curriculum - "a matter of course"
>>We celebrate women's talents, achievements and victories!
"Communities can and will change, but the dire consequences associated with gender-based violence constitute a human emergency that requires global and local action," said UNFPA Executive Director Thoraya Ahmed Obaid. "We need to treat it as such."
cite: americansforunfpa.org

This section is under constant development. Please email your suggestions to village@nedv.net.
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