North East Digital Village Relief Information

The horrible attacks on September 11, 2001, have shocked, saddened and enraged people around the world. We, at the North East Digital Village and our families, extend our deepest sympathies to all those who have lost family or friends.

Need Help?

You Can Help

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Neep Help?

Special Connecticut Phone Number

Connecticut has provided a special phone line to Register families who may have lost a loved one or who are in need of assistance due to the terrorists attacks - 1-866-CT-HELPS (1-866-284-3577).

Spanish Information Line - 1-800-257-7575

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Primay Active Hotlines for NYC

See Links for websites with greater detail.

Other Important Phone Numbers

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Where to go for Counseling Help

Hospice of Southeastern CT:
Counselors are available to give information on coping with grief and loss. Call them at 860-848-5699. For general information about Hospice of Southeastern CT, visit them online at

The Connecticut Office of Victim Services:
They are available to provide counseling services and referrals to non-profit and public organizations. Connecticut residents who have lost a family member in the attacks may be eligible for financial assistance through the Victim Compensation Program. Call them at 800-828-8428

INFO 211:
Connecticut's 24 HOUR information line. They offer referral and crisis intervention services and are ready to help people who may have questions or feel the need to talk to someone about the recent attacks.

You Can Help

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Link to Blood Drive info

Red Cross Blood Drives

World Trade Center, Pentagon and Pittsburgh Tragedies

The American Red Cross has immediately responded to the explosions at the World Trade Center in New York City and in the Pentagon and on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. that occurred early in the morning on September 11, 2001. "The American Red Cross is doing everything we can to ensure the immediate availability of the safest possible blood," said Dr. Bernadine Healy, president and CEO of the American Red Cross. "We are also dispatching hundreds of trained disaster workers and mental health counselors to New York, Washington D.C. and elsewhere," she added.

Call the Red Cross TOLL-FREE blood donation number, 1-800-448-3543, to schedule an appointment to donate blood or go to their Statewide blood drive information site at Or Contact:

Ron McKeown, Executive Director
Sue Rochester-Bolin, Director of Emergency Services
Phone: 447-3248, Back-Up Cell Phone: 823-0823.
Location: 150 Eugene O'Neill Drive, New London, CT 06320.

Directions to Red Cross in New London

Individuals and Groups Needed to Adopt a Blood Drive

Get information about being Blood Drive Sponsor. A sponsor is an individual or group of individuals willing to volunteer their time to recruit family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to become volunteer blood donors at a blood drive in their community.

Tisue Donation through the Red Cross - one tissue donor can potentially benefit as many as 50 people

Medical Professionals

Medical professionals wishing to support the efforts in New York may contact the following:

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Given the disaster circumstances under which the information is being provided, and the multitude of sources for the variety of information available on this Disaster Relief Information site, information cannot be validated. While North East Digital Village will do all it can to keep the site up-to-date and as accurate as possible, it is not responsible for any inaccuracies, misspellings of names, or incomplete information.