True Colors Annual Conference XIX
Celebrating Our Allies
Friday, March 16 & Saturday, March 17, 2012
North East Digital Village
Alternatives to Traditional Gift-Giving
Make Your Family Holiday Gifts More about Giving than Receiving
Does your December holiday celebration sometimes seem to be less and less about the spirit of sharing that established your traditions gift-giving practice? Whether you celebrate Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, the Winter Solstice or a combination of holidays, giving gifts in someone's name or giving them a gift that speaks to their heart by buying products or memberships from organizations that support worthy causes doubles the impact of your gift. Why not make this year the year your family establishes this style of gift-giving as a tradition?
Better yet - why not establish your alternative gift giving tradition - for birthdays, anniversaries and other occassions for which you want to honor family or friends?
Mercy Kits
This season, honor friends, families and co-workers with Mercy Kits. "These unique, thoughtful gifts help some of the world's most vulnerable people. Each Mercy Kit honoree will receive a personalized card or email message, letting him or her know they're providing help and hope to families and children around the world. Worth Magazine named Mercy Corps one of America's best charities. Over 91% of Mercy Corps resources go toward humanitarian programs. Every dollar you give helps us secure $16.51 in donated food and other supplies."
A great way to share the spirit of the season with your family as well as another family from places around the world struggling through war, devastating drought or poverty. You can use the Mercy Corps convenient email messaging to tell you family and friends about Mercy Corps. Give them the joy of giving a gift in your name; a gift that will give back so much to you, to your loved one and to the child and his/her family.

Alternative Gifts International
Alternative Gifts International (AGI) sends authentic, life-giving gifts to a needy world - gifts that build a partnership with people in crisis and that protect and preserve the earth's endangered environment - to nourish and sustain a more equitable and peaceful global community. Some of the projects you can be a part of are described below:
Honor your family & friends with an alternative gift from 34 life-sustaining projects - in the USA or around the world.
Restock the Shelves / USA: Buy groceries for food banks and pantries which provide the only assistance available to families with chronic hunger.
Homes for the Homeless / USA: Bring an end to chronic homelessness by funding shelters working to move people into permanent housing.
Single Moms Step Forward / USA: Give a boost to women in transition as they gain self-reliance and job skills.
Sun Power for the Lakota Sioux / USA: Supply solar heat for Native
American families facing harsh winters, reducing energy costs and making homes more livable.
Sun Purified Water / Gambia: Help rural folk use solar power to pasteurize their water and decrease the incidence of waterborne disease.
Safe Havens for Lost Kids / Kenya: Provide safety, love and a real home for street boys and children orphaned because of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
New Life for Polio Victims / Dem. Rep. of the Congo: Give children affected by polio
orthopedic equipment that allows them to walk - and even to run - with self confidence.
Vaccines for Orphans / Vietnam: Protect children from preventable diseases with simple inoculations and basic hygiene education.
America's Second Harvest
The mission of America's Second Harvest is to create a hunger-free America. We distribute food and grocery products through a nationwide network of certified affiliates, increase public awareness of domestic hunger, and advocate for policies that benefit America's hungry.
Our network includes more than 200 food banks and food-rescue organizations, serving every county in the U.S. The effectiveness and operating efficiency of this network depends on the cooperation of food banks, food-rescue organizations, service agencies, donors, and national programs. cite:
Connecticut Food Bank
The Connecticut Food Bank provides food and other resources to more than 500 emergency feeding programs such as soup kitchens, shelters, food pantries, and adult and child day care centers in six of Connecticut's eight counties: Fairfield, Litchfield, Middlesex, New Haven, New London and Windham. cite:
End Hunger Connecticut! Inc.
End Hunger Connecticut! Inc. was formed by key leaders in the fight against hunger in Connecticut. End Hunger Connecticut! Inc is a member organization open to all who are committed in working to find a solution to end hunger.
Contact info: 102 Hungerford Street, Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: 860-560-2100, Fax: 860-560-2108
Find more resources at the Food Stamp Resource Center
Project Bread
Project Bread's mission is to alleviate, prevent, and ultimately end hunger in Massachusetts. cite:
Greyston Foundation
Located in Yonkers, New York, (bordering northern New York City) the Greyston Foundation is an integrated system of nonprofit and for-profit organizations that offer a wide array of programs and services to more than 1,200 men, women and children annually. Beginning in 1982 as a small bakery to employ Zen Buddhist students, Greyston is now a $14 million organization of 180 employees (many entry level) that provides jobs, housing, social services and health care to low-income residents of southwest Yonkers and surrounding areas.

Recognized as a pioneer in "social enterprise," Greyston uses entrepreneurship to solve the problems of the inner city and reduce the reliance of non-profits on external sources of funding. Greyston exists to help people visualize and realize paths to self-sufficiency. What distinguishes Greyston are its entrepreneurial culture and its spiritually rooted philosophy which combine community development and a commitment to human growth and potential. cite:
Humane Society of the United States
You can help out the world's less fortunate creatures by shopping humanely. What exactly does that mean? It can mean a number of things: You can purchase gifts that were made without any animal products. You can purchase gifts that strive to educate and create a better world for animals. Or you can contribute to organizations that devote their energies to easing the pain and suffering of our fellow creatures. Humane Society of the United States offers numerous ways to aid in the protection and preservation of animals:
Adopt a Whale or Dolphin Programs
SALT - JT's Adopted Whale
In 1989, while vacationing on the Cape, Bizgrok's web designer, JT, heard about Whale Adoption Project and saw a photo of Salt. JT fell in love and adopted Salt instantly. And, although they've never met "in-whale", they've been inseparable since! Who can resist Salt's unique tail and steadfastness! |
One of the most photographed and popular humpback whales in the world, Salt is the mother of eight calves and a grandmother, too. She was the very first whale photographed in both the Gulf of Maine and the West Indies and has been seen every year since 1975.
Whale Adoption Project
For more than 15 years, the Whale Adoption Project, a program of the International Wildlife Coalition (IWC), has taken steps to educate the public, support protective legislation, participate in research, and actively assist in marine mammal rescues. The Falmouth-based group hopes to further all these goals through its continuing efforts in education, protection, research, rescue, rehab and legislation.
There are 46 East coast Humpback whales and 9 West coast whales available for adoption. Each of them is unique and fascinating. The difficult challenge you'll have is choosing the whale you'd like to get to know better and adopt, either for yourself or as a gift for someone you care about. cite:
Adopt A Finback Whale
Adopt a whale through the Adopt A Finback Whale Program and help protect whales, other marine mammals, and marine habitat. Your donation supports research which will answer important questions about this endangered species. At this time we do not know where finbacks spend the winter, where calves are born, how long they live, or what their habitat requirements are. This information is essential if we are to protect these mysterious whales . Finback whales reach lengths of over 80-feet and occur in all oceans of the world. Threats to their habitat, such as pollution, offshore drilling, ocean dumping, shipping and coastal development can endanger the lives of these magnificent creatures. cite:
Adopt A Humpback Whale
Support the Whale Center of New England's 20+ years of continuous conservation, research, and education by adopting a whale for yourself, a relative, or a friend. Choose from this selection of well known humpback whales who have been seen hundreds of times.
Save the Whales
Through Save The Whales' adoption program you will learn about orcas (killer whales) in the wild and in captivity. Learn how orcas in the Northwest United States and British Columbia have been studied and individually identified. Find out the facts about animals in captivity and the efforts to return them to the wild. cite:
Orca Adoption Program
For thousands of years the inland waters of the Pacific Northwest have been the summer feeding grounds for several pods of killer whales. Each whale has been given a pod identification number and a common name which reflects a bit of its heritage, personality or circumstances of its discovery. The whales of J, K and L pods could use your help to ensure their long-term well-being. Current problems facing these whales include declining fish populations, toxic exposure, surface impacts and underwater noise from pleasure and commercial boaters, and the possibility of a major oil spill in this region. Help The Whale Museum's conduct further study and find solutions.
Orca adoptions make great gifts! As an alternative to consumerism, an orca adoption is welcomed by all ages. Simple, thoughtful and fun, it's a great gift to receive. Select the whale you want to adopt here. cite:
Adopt-A-Manatee as a Holiday Gift and Get a Free Wall Calendar
Adopt a manatee for $25 and you'll receive a photo of your manatee, the manatee's biography, an adoption certificate, a membership handbook with more information on manatees, and four newsletters throughout the year with updated reports on your adoptee. Find out more about the program and get a list of the manatees available for adoption by clicking on the links at right. It's a great gift for the animal lover on your list! cite:
Defenders of Wildlife

Defenders of Wildlife is dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Give the gift of wildlife conservation to someone special in your life with a Defenders of Wildlife gift adoption. Personalizable cards that can be emailed or printed and given to friends, family, and/or gift recipients. cite:
Farm Sanctuary
Farm Sanctuary's shelter animals are in need of loving "parents" to sponsor their monthly feed, shelter and veterinary care costs. Farm Sanctuary animals are available for sponsor adoption through our Adopt-A-Farm Animal Project.