North East Digital Village
The Health Fair
Child & Teen Health
Connecticut Child & Teen Health
The HUSKY Plan: Designed to help all children who don't have health insurance. It includes services under the traditional Medicaid program (now known as HUSKY Part A). It also provides brand-new health services for children in higher-income families (called HUSKY Part B). There's also HUSKY Plus - a new coverage option for children who have intensive physical or behavioral health needs. Contact: 1-877-CT-HUSKY, Toll Free 877-284-8759, TTD/TTY: 1-800-842-4524
In School Dental Program: UCFS Health Center, The Meadows Center, 47 Town Street, Norwich, CT 06360. Contact: In School Dental Program, 860-892-7042 ext. 346.
Preventive dental services in the school setting to children enrolled in the following school districts: Montville, Norwich, Ledyard, Griswold, Preston, Voluntown, Sprague, Groton, Integrated Day Charter School and Norwich Free Academy.
Each child will receive a cleaning, exam and fluoride treatment, sealants and dental x-rays if needed as well as learn proper brushing and flossing techniques. All children are eligible to receive dental treatment. For children with NO dental insurance, the cost for the above services provided in the school is $30.00. The service is 100% covered (no charge) for children insured by HUSKY or Medicaid. UCFS accepts most insurance plans. Coverage and costs for these plans depends upon your insurance coverage.
Focus on K.I.D.S.: UCFS Health Center, The Meadows Center, 47 Town Street, Norwich, CT 06360. Contact: Angela Duhaime at 892-7042 ext. 720.
The first goal of the program is to teach high-conflict divorcing or divorced parents what they need to do in order to give their children the care they need. Parents who are successful at this learn skills they can use to fight less, and better communicate and problem solve to benefit their kids.
Fun & Fit Families: UCFS Health Center, The Meadows Center, 47 Town Street, Norwich, CT 06360. Contact: Sonya Mathew at 860-892-7042 ext. 779.
A Free 6 week educational program on childhood obesity and the importance of healthy eating habits and exercise will be offered at the UCFS Health Center.
Office of Health Care Access: State of Connecticut, 410 Capitol Avenue, MS #13HCA, Hartford CT 06134, (860) 418-7001, Toll Free: (800) 797-9688, TDD: (860) 418-7058
Advising policy makers of health care issues; informing the public and the industry of statewide and national trends; and designing and directing health care system development. Consists of the following four programs: Office of the Commissioner, Certificate of Need & Compliance, Fiscal and Administrative Services, and Research & Planning.
CT Youth HIV/Aids: Counseling and Testing Sites. Risk Factors. Myths about HIV Transmission. Why should you get tested? What should I expect? Can you get AIDS from taking the test? What will happen if I find out that I am HIV-positive? Other Resources cite:
Child Health Sites
Your Kid's Health
The KidsHealth team of top-notch editors and medical reviewers develops a wide array of topics about medical, emotional, and developmental issues of children and their families. The content on KidsHealth is the equivalent of an 80-volume encyclopedia - and it's growing every week.
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Kids Page
Sing-Along Songs, Brainteasers and Riddles, Story Time, Color Our World, Humor/Jokes, Environmental Health, Science Education, Other Cool Links and Resources, Games and Surprises.
Child's Health Site
The Child Health Site focuses the power of the Internet on a specific need - saving children's lives and improving the quality of their health. Over 200,000 children die every week from preventable causes, and many millions more suffer from preventable disease, curable blindness, landmines and other crippling accidents. Learn more about some of the health issues children face today.
Tobacco Free Kids
Can you believe that every single day, 1,500 more of America's kids become regular smokers? And that one-third of them will die prematurely as a result? Learn how you can help change these tragic statistics.
Discovery's Children's Health Conditions from A-Z
Children's Health Conditions. Parenting center includes Babysitting Tools, Back to School Guide, information on Development, Discipline, Intelligence and much more.
Pediatric Preventive Care
Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care's Pediatric Preventive Care.
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation: (JDF)
JDRF is the leading charitable funder and advocate of type 1 (juvenile) diabetes research worldwide. The mission of JDRF is to find a cure for diabetes and its complications through the support of research. Since its founding in 1970 by parents of children with type 1 diabetes, JDRF has awarded more than $1 billion to diabetes research, including more than $122 million in FY2006. In FY2006, the Foundation funded 500 centers, grants and fellowships in 20 countries.
Kids Frequently Asked Questions: Allergies and Asthma
The Allergy and Asthma FAQ is an informal gathering of the "net wisdom" on allergies and asthma. It includes links to various (Web and non-Web) sources of information.
