North East Digital Village
The Health Fair
Home Health Care
Accreditation Commission for Home Care (ACHC): An accrediting body for home health agencies. Developed by providers for providers with an emphasis on user-friendly standards
American Association for Homecare: The American Association for Homecare (AAHomecare) is the only national association representing the full spectrum of the homecare industry, including I.V. therapy, home medical services and manufacturers and home health providers.
American Home Care Association: The American Home Care Association, Inc. (AHCA) represents home care providers across the country, providing education, provider assistance, and national representation
Community Health Accreditation Program: CHAP was the first home care accrediting body in the nation to receive status from the federal government.
Home Health Care Jobs.com: A job listing site that also contains profiles of major home health employers, a job search agent and home health salary information.
JCAHO Home Care Accreditation Manual: The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) also accredits home health care organizations.
OASIS: Health Care Financing Administration's (HCFA) site for the OASIS home health payment system. Provides timely OASIS-related announcements, corrections and updates.
My Home Health: Provides daily and weekly updates on a host of home health issues.
National Association for Home Care: The NAHC site contains extensive information on PPS and OASIS, a job exchange page, a home health agency locator and more.
Visiting Nurse Associations of America: The Visiting Nurse Associations of America (VNAA) is the official, national association of not-for-profit, community based visiting nurse agencies (VNAs).
Connecticut Association for Home Care, Inc. (CAHC)
VNA of Southeastern Connecticut, Inc: A not-for-profit home care agency providing a wide range of home care, community, and school nursing services to the residents of Southeastern Connecticut.
Home Care Association of New Hampshire (HCANH)
Home Care Association of Washington (HCAW)
Home Health Assembly of New Jersey (HHANJ)
Kansas Home Care Association (KHCA)
Missouri Alliance for Home Care (MAHC)
Montana Association of Home Health Agencies (MAHHA)
New York State Association of Health Care Providers (HCP)
Oregon Association for Home Care (OAHC)
Pennsylvania Association of Home Health Agencies (PAHHA)
VNA Health Systems of Vermont (VNA-HSV)
Wisconsin Homecare Association (WHCA)