North East Digital Village
The Health Fair
Women's Health

Women's General Health
- indranet.com: Indranet: Alternative/natural health
- engenderhealth.org: EngenderHealth Worldwide health care, family planning, maternal/child health for women.
- noah.cuny.edu: City University of New York: dedicated to women's health. (Noah)
- womenshealthspecialists.org: Feminist Women's Health Center, Northern California
- feministhealth.org: Feminist Women's Health Center, Concord MA
- allwomens.org: Feminist Women's Health Center, Oregon
- users.rcn.com/fhcpctr/: Feminist Women's Health Center, Portsmouth-Greenland, New Hampshire
- efn.org: All Women's Health Services: Oregon's feminist women's health center
- feministcenter.org: Feminist Women's Health Center, Atlanta Georgia: The year was 1976. Abortion had recently been legalized, the groundbreaking book "Our Bodies, Ourselves" had been published, and the women's movement was winning exciting victories. Against this backdrop, a group of Atlanta women realized their dissatisfaction with the health care options and information available to other women and themselves. . . and they founded Atlanta's Feminist Women's Health Center. The "founding mothers" recognized that the existing medical system's beliefs and practices were based primarily on male assumptions of what was "best" for women. In the new center they created, they changed those norms.
- callen-lorde.org: Michael Callen-Audre Lorde Community Health Center is New York's only medical facility dedicated to meeting the health care needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and people living with HIV/AIDS. Callen-Lorde is a primary care center with a focus on health and wellness for the LGBT community and all communities in the New York City metropolitan area.
- slcp.org Lesbian Cancer Project providing health education, support and advocacy for sexual minority women. Seattle
- nbwhp.org: National Black Women's Health Project
- nwhalliance.org National Women's Health Alliance: Educating women about their health and medical choices.
- nawho.org National Asian Women's Health Organization
- apiahf.org: Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum is a national advocacy organization dedicated to promoting policy, program, and research efforts for the improvement of health status of all Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.
- apirh.org/: Asians and Pacific Islanders For Reproductive Health (APIRH)
Recognize & Treat Eating Disorders
- concernedcounseling.com: Eating Disorders: information on anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating. Stories, real-audio interviews, chat, support, professional counseling.
- pbs.org: Minority Women and Eating Disorders, the Untold Story
- xculture.org: Cross Cultural Health Program: Resource library and website located at PacMed. Seattle.
Menstruation & Menopause
Menstruation has gone from the "friend" you don't talk about to bright and cheery ads on TV about menstruation products. Once thought to mean that a women was "sick" or "unhealthy" or "unclean", today's "outloud" TV ads encourage young women not to let "having their period" get in the way of work, play or everyday life. Television advertising - while mainly looking to sell products - also helped to open discussion about menstruation as a normal and natural part of everyday life. Way to go!
First Moon: Passage to Womanhood Ceremony: Kit to help you celebrate your very first period. cite: celebrategirls.com
menstruation.com.au: Menstruation: connecting heart, mind, body and spirit. About women, the moon and their menstrual cycles. cite: menstruation.com.au
American Menopause Foundation: Not-for-profit health organization providing support and assistance on all issues concerning menopause. The latest information on scientific research. cite: americanmenopause.org
Red Web: Educating women and girls about the positive aspects of menarche, menstruation and menopause. cite: americanmenopause.org
Museum of Menstruation: Discover the rich history of menstruation, menstrual pad alternatives, and selected topics of women's health. cite: mum.org
Red Moon Rising Women's spirituality and/or religious concepts related with menstruation. cite: redmoonrising.homestead.com
YourMenstrual Cycle and Periods: Menstruation information about what happens during your monthly menstrual cycle. Find out what having your period means, learn about normal and abnormal menstruation, cramps, and sanitary protection products. cite: womenshealth.about.com
Tampons and Asbestos, Dioxin, & Toxic Shock Syndrome: FDA regulates the safety and effectiveness of medical devices, including tampons. Recently it has come to the agency's attention that allegations about tampons are being spread over the Internet. It is alleged that tampons are contaminated by asbestos and dioxin during manufacture, and that rayon fibers cause toxic shock syndrome (TSS). The available scientific evidence does not support these rumors . . . cite: fda.gov
Tampon Safety: TSS Now Rare, but Women Still Should Take Care: Any fear still surrounding tampon use likely dates from a time when TSS was first identified. About half of all cases occur in women using tampons, although the exact link between TSS and tampons remains unclear. . . Studies showed that women who used Proctor & Gamble's Rely tampons were at substantially greater risk for TSS than other tampon users. This brand consisted of polyester foam and a special type of highly absorbent cellulose, a combination no longer used in tampons. cite: fda.gov
On the Teen Scene: TSS: Reducing the Risk: by Dixie Farley. Women taking the necessary measures to prevent menstrually-related toxic shock syndrome (TSS) can be credited with much of the reduction in the number of cases in recent years. In 1997, there were only five confirmed menstrually-related TSS cases and no deaths. cite: fda.gov/bbs/
Guidance for Industry and FDA Staff - Menstrual Tampons and Pads: FDA has developed this guidance document to assist industry in preparing premarket notification submissions (510(k)) for menstrual tampons and pads that are subject to 510(k) requirements. This guidance covers the key recommendations for the content of 510(k) submissions for these devices. cite: fda.gov/cdrh/
La Manga Health Centre: Aassists women who have used Hormone Replacement Therapy cite: lamangahealthcentre.com
Reproductive Choices & Health
- not-2-late.com Emergency Contraception Hotline: 1-888-NOT-2-LATE.
- gyn101.com: Gyn 101: what to expect in your first Gynecological Exam.
- arhp.org: Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP): Interdisciplinary medical professional association to educate health care professionals and the public on family planning, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, HIV, urogenital disorders, abortion, menopause, cancer, sexual health, and infertility.
- fertaware.com: Fertility Awareness Network: teaching Fertility Awareness since 1980
- maternitywise.org: Maternity Wise: helping women make informed decisions about pregnancy and childbirth.
- medem.com Medem: women's health information, covering a range of topics including breast health, maternity, teen health, menopause, contraception, violence against women, sexuality, and menstruation.
- mtv.com/onair/ffyr/protect/: Protect Yourself: MTV's campaign to educate young people about sexual health.
- iwannaknow.org: I Wanna Know: Teen health site with dynamic reliable sexual health information" for teens and parents, from the American Social Health Association.
- itsyoursexlife.com: It's Your (Sex) Life: sex, birth control, protection info for teens from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
- lets-talk-about-sex.co.uk - Let's Talk About Sex; Designed for teens and young adults by two nurses in UK.
- herpeszone.com Herpes Zone
- Center for Endometriosis Care
- endometriosisassn.org: Endometriosis Association: Non-profit, self-help organization founded by women for women.; providing information and support to women and girls with endometriosis, educating the public and medical community about endo, and conducting and promoting research.
- fibroids.net: Center for Uterine Fibroids at Harvard Medical School. Fibroids are the number one cause of hysterectomy in the United States
and affect between a quarter and a half of all women; African-American women are affected three to nine
times more commonly than other racial groups.
- hersfoundation.com: Hysterectomy Alternatives and Consequences. Independent international non-profit women's health education organization. Provides free information packet. Physician referral.
- childfreelinks.freewebspace.com: Childfree Resource Network: Supports individuals who choose to have no children, lists doctors and clinics who perform tubal ligations and vasectomies without age discrimination.
- gynsupport.com: GAIN: Gynaecological Awareness Information Network in Australia established by women whose lives have been irreparably altered by gynaecological conditions and subsequent treatment.
- noperiod.com NoPeriod.com: explores menstrual suppresion by using birth control pills.
- canadianbirthcontrol.com: Canadian Birth Control Info: Guide to the differences between Canadian and US birth control pills.
- gynpages.com/ultimate/: Birth Control information.
- cervcap.com: Information about cervical caps
- backupyourbirthcontrol.org: Back Up Your Birth Control: Campaign to raise awareness of emergency contraception (EC).
- nnaf.org: National Network of Abortion Fundsassociation of grassroots funds across the U.S. Through direct grants or loans, NNAF members help more than 10,000 women and girls annually obtain abortion services.
- repro-activist.org: Abortion Access Project: Nursing Students and Nurses, PA's, Nurse Practitioners, and Medical Students for Choice to increase access to abortion and to increase training in abortion-related care. Massachusetts.
- earlyoptions.org: Abortion-by-Pill: Abortion pill and other early abortion options.
- powells.com: The Abortion Resource Handbook: by K. Kaufman, 1997, Simon and Schuster. Everything women need to know about laws, taking care of yourself, finding clinics and avoiding fake clinics, emergency birth control. Honest, reliable information.
- gynpages.com: Abortion Resolution Workbook: Connecting your head and your heart about your abortion decision (past or current).
- healingchoice.com: Healing Choice: especially for post-abortion women. Enriching the emotional, physical, intellectual, and spiritual lives of women.
- execpc.com Abortion Rights Struggle: Pro-choice and Anti-choice activists make their case in their own words. Links to many websites.
- hopemedical.com: After abortion advice from Hope Medical in Louisiana.
- cbca.ab.ca: Calgary Birth Control Association: Sexuality is a natural and healthy part of life. Healthy sexual relationships are based on trust, respect and equality. Pro-choice. Feminist.
Women & HIV/AIDS
- global-campaign.org: Global Campaign for Microbicides and Prevention Options for Women. What are microbicides?
- babesnetwork.org: Babes Network: BABES is dedicated to building a community among women from all walks of life who are facing HIV and AIDS. BABES offers a women-centered environment and assures confidentiality. Seattle WA
- breakingthesilence.info: Breaking the Silence: AIDS education for Caribbean girls - addressing the inequities of gender and poverty begins with education.
- callen-lorde.org: Michael Callen-Audre Lorde Community Health Center is New York's only medical facility dedicated to meeting the health care needs of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and people living with HIV/AIDS. Callen-Lorde is a primary care center with a focus on health and wellness for the LGBT community and all communities in the New York City metropolitan area.
- hivbook.org HIV, Health and Your Community: a Guide for Action takes a grass-roots approach to preventing the spread of HIV.
Emphasizes prevention. Liberally illustrated. Authors' proceeds donated to community-based AIDS organizations.

Breast Care, Education & Prevention
Breast Cancer Treatment & Care
- thebreastcaresite.com: TheBreastCareSite.com was developed to address the general needs of all who have been touched by breast cancer, including newly diagnosed patients and long time survivors, as well as their friends, family members and coworkers. But our unique and specific mission focuses on providing breast cancer survivors with accurate information about everything from post-surgery options and products to information about insurance and intimacy issues.
- For the Newly Diagnosed
- breastcancer.org: BreastCancer.org:- helping women and their families make sense of the complex information about breast cancer, and guide them to the best decisions for their lives.
- breastcancerfund.org: Breast Cancer Fund: Working to end breast cancer through detection, treatment, prevention, research and access to care for all women
- bcaction.org: Breast Cancer Action: a grassroots organization of breast cancer survivors and their supporters, advocating for true prevention through understanding and eliminating the causes of breast cancer, a true cure with treatments that don't nearly kill people or cause other diseases, and universal access to quality health care.
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network's Clinical Practice Guidelines for Breast Cancer [pdf]: looks like the advanced course but is info on Practice Guidelines
- Local therapy for early stage breast cancer: A bit dispassionate, but good information
- Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization: providing information, empowerment and peer support so that no one faces breast cancer alone.
After Breast Cancer Surgery . . .