North East Digital Village
Senior Square
Resources for Seniors
Connecticut Association for Home Care, Inc.: CAHC is the trade association for home health agencies in Connecticut.
AARP: Everything you ever wanted to know about AARP including information on Modern Maturity and the Bulletin; events in your community; advocacy; press releases; AARP programs; and frequently asked questions about the organization.
Age Scape: Redefining retirement through online community.
Age Venture: Mature Market Headline News, Aging America's Book Reviews, Boomer & Retiree Lifestyles, Smart Age-Audit for Business.
Council for Jewish Elderly: CJE's range of services extends from assisting those who live in their own homes, but need occasional physical or psychological support, to those who need the most protection and care in a long term care facility. Guide to Senior Living.
CARPNews: CARPNews, the voice of CARP, is Canada's largest national magazine aimed at the 50-plus audience. What does it take to successfully age in place, find a retirement home, cope with aging and understand housing options? Discover how estate and insurance planning can improve your housing choices, and how areas of elder law affect your planning.
GeroWeb: Brought to you by the GeroInformatics Workgroup at the Wayne State University Institute of Gerontology, GeroWeb is designed as an online resource for researchers, educators, practitioners, and others interested in aging and older individuals.
Grand Times
Grand Times celebrates life's opportunities and examines life's challenges and is a unique weekly Internet magazine for seniors. Controversial, entertaining and informative.
SeniorsCom: SeniorCom was founded in early 1995 as an online community for the 50-Plus Market. At the time, the 50-Plus market was the fastest growing sector of the PC-purchasing market. They also watched more TV and read more newspapers.
Senior Cyborgs: A unique, informative, interesting, and entertaining web site for adults, age 50 and older (senior citizens), and other folks who help with parents, grandparents, older friends or caregivers.
SeniorNet: SeniorNet's mission is to provide older adults education for and access to computer technology to enhance their lives and enable them to share their knowledge and wisdom. The nonprofit SeniorNet teaches seniors (age 50 plus) to use computers and the Internet at over 140 Learning Centers nationwide.
Florida Association of Homes for the Aging: FAHA provides leadership, advocacy, and education for retirement housing and nursing home communities that serve the needs of Florida's retirees.
National Senior Citizens Law Center: advocates nationwide to promote the independence and well-being of low-income elderly individuals and persons with disabilities.

State Agencies Serving Seniors
Connecticut's Elderly Services Division: Committed to serving seniors by supporting and promoting programs that serve the growing needs of the aging community in all five regions of Connecticut. Contact Pamela Giannini, Interim Director of Elderly Services Division at
Southwestern Conn. Agency on Aging: 10 Middle Street, Bridgeport CT 06604, 203-333-9288, Fax 203-696-3866. Private, not-for-profit corporation designated as an Area Agency on Aging, according to the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, SWCAA is a funding source for federal and state dollars for the elderly in the fourteen town region of southwestern Connecticut and supports services such as nutrition, in-home, legal, health, adult day care, respite care, transportation, senior centers and outreach.
Western Connecticut Area Agency on Aging, Inc (WCAAA): 84 Progress Lane, Waterbury CT 06705, 203-7575449 or 800/994-9422. WCAAA offers a vareity of Care Management Programs for Seniors and their Caregivers.
Eastern Connecticut Area Agency on Aging Senior Resources Agency on Aging: 4 Broadway, 3rd Floor, Norwich CT 06360, 860-887-3561, 800-690-6998,
Connecticut Long Term Care Ombudsman Program: Connecticut Long Term Care Ombudsman Program for long term care residents investigates complaints and concerns made by residents, or on behalf of residents, in a timely and prompt manner, helps residents voice their concerns directly to public officials on issues affecting their lives and supports residents interests before governmental agencies. Contact Ombudsman Teresa C. Cusano toll-free at 1-866-388-1888 or by email
Senior Citizen Tuition Waivers at Connecticut Public Colleges and Universities: Seniors aged 62 and older are eligible, by state statute, for tuition waivers at any public college or university in the state - the University of Connecticut, Connecticut State University and the 12 community colleges.
Florida Department of Elder Affairs: The agency designated by the Governor as the state unit on aging and, therefore, is the focal point on issues concerning older Floridians.
