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Library of Congress
The ultimate information resource and topical search site. If you get to know only one research site, make it the LOC.
Internet Public Library
References, Arts & Humanities, Business & Economics, Computers & Internet, Education, Entertainment & Leisure, Health & Medical Sciences, Law, Government & Political Science, Sciences & Technology, Social Sciences, & Associations.
The Elements of Style, William Strunk, Jr.
Classic reference book. Intended for use in which the practice of composition is combined with the study of literature. It gives, in brief space, the principal requirements of plain English style and concentrates attention on the rules of usage and principles of composition most commonly violated.
Connecticut State Library
History, Government Info, Law & Legislation, Lirary for the Blind, Museum of CT History, State Archives, Public Records, Library Network (CLN) and Libraries of Connecticut Catalogs.
UCONN Library
A wealth of information available on just about every topic. Searchable. Research guides.
Delaware - The Digital Library of the First State
DelaWeb Links, Government Information, Magazines & More, Recreation, Search encyclopedias, magazines, and newspapers.
Illinois State Library
Literacy Publications, Electronic Resources, Talking Book Services, Illinois Authors
Indiana State Library
Encyclopedias, Dictionary, Thesaurus Acronyms, Quotations, Phrase Finder Translators, Biographies, Phone Books. Search in English, Spanish & French.
Maryland's Public Information Network - SAILOR
Art & Entertainment, Business, Education, Government, Health, History, Law, Kids, Science & Technology.
New Hampshire State Library
Online Databases, Internet Resources by Subject, History & Genealogy Resources, Talking Book Program, Patents & Trademark Depository, Family Resource Connection, and Ask a NH Reference Question.
New Jersey State Library
CyberDesk-Online Research & Reference, Catalog, Services for People with Disabilities
New York State Library
Catalog, Search, FAQ, Laws and Regulations, Libraries and Library Systems, Talking Book and Braille Library, Research Library, Collections & Databases, Government Information, New York State Newspaper Project, and a Virtual Visit.
North Carolina State Library
E-Mail Reference Service, FIND NC, Youth Services, NC LIVE, Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, & Maps.
Pennsylvannia State Library
Links to Web Sources by Subject, full text periodical articles, newspapers, a major encyclopedia, plus photographs, pictures, charts, maps, reference materials for young people and more. Antiquarian Book Dealers.
Map Quest
Where to go and how to get there.
See the Kid's USA Page
The Presidents
A "look at the Presidency in the 20th century and through the office see the drama of contemporary American history--war, economic hardship, women's rights, race relations, our triumphs and our failures--it is all there."
Interactive web-site from PBS award-inning series, The American Experience.
United Nations - Cyber School Bus
Games, and Interactive quizzes and lots of great stuff to help you learn about the world!
The North East Digital Village does not knowingly collect information from children under 13.
The North East Digital Village has made an effort to ensure that the pages linked from this section of our pages are suitable for children, but we cannot be responsible for the content of the pages we link. If you believe that a site linked above is unsuitable, or if you would like to suggest an additional site for inclusion, please send mail to us at
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