North East Digital Village
HB 6503
The purpose of HB 6503, titled, "An Act Concerning Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools" , is to improve indoor environmental quality in schools to safeguard the health of students and school personnel. This bill was introduced by the Environment Committee. Highlights of 6503, which unanimously passed the Environment Committee are as follows:
Summary of Bill 6503
- School districts are required to perform maintenance of their facilities incorporating the preventative maintenance elements of the US EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program.
- Prior to January 1, 2008, and every five years thereafter, for every school building that is or has been constructed, renovated, or replaced on or after January 1, 2003, a local or regional board of education shall conduct a uniform inspection and evaluation program of the indoor environmental quality of its schools, such as the US EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program The inspection and evaluation shall include a review, inspection or evaluation of the following: the HVAC systems, radon levels in the air, potential exposure to bioaerosols, indoor air chemical pollutants, the degree of pest infestation, the degree of pesticide usage, the presence of any hazardous materials, ventilation systems, plumbing systems, building structural elements, and the use of the spaces.
- Department of Education plan approval is contingent upon incorporation of SMACNA's Indoor Air Quality Guidelines for Occupied Buildings under Construction.
- Each school district is required to ensure that its HVAC systems are maintained and operated in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62 at the time of installation or renovation of those systems and in the future during all hours of occupation.
- Each school district shall maintain maintenance records of their HVAC systems for a minimum of five years.
- Each board of education shall establish an indoor environmental quality committee to increase staff and student awareness of the environment that affect the health of school occupants including IAQ, water quality, and the presence of radon employing the US EPA's Indoor Air Quality Tools for Schools Program. This committee will include at least one administrator, one maintenance staff member, one teacher, one school health staff member and one parent of a student.
- No board or education may discharge, discipline or penalize any employee for reporting any suspected violations of this act. Any employee that believes they have suffered retaliation by the school board for reporting violations of this act may request the State
Attorney General to investigate the matter.
Bill 6503 Timeline
- 02/26/2003: Referred to Joint Committee on Environment
- 02/28/2003: Public Hearing 03/0703
- 03/28/2003: Joint Favorable Substitute (ENV)
- 03/31/2003: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 04/7/2003: Referred to Office of Legislative Research and Office of Fiscal Analysis (LCO)
- 04/14/2003: File Number 336 (LCO)
- 04/14/2003: House Calendar Number 228
- 04/14/2003: Favorable Report, Tabled for the Calendar, House
- 04/14/2003: Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 04/22/2003: Referred by House to Committee on Education
- 04/24/2003: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 04/24/2003: Joint Favorable (ED)
- 04/25/2003: Tabled for the Calendar, House
- 04/25/2003: No New File by Committee on Education
- 04/25/2003: Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 04/30/2003: Referred by House to Committee on Judiciary
- 05/6/2003: Joint Favorable (JUD)
- 05/7/2003: Tabled for the Calendar, House
- 05/7/2003: No New File by Committee on Judiciary
- 05/7/2003: Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 05/7/2003: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 05/10/2003: Referred by House to Committee on Appropriations
- 05/12/2003: Joint Favorable (APP)
- 05/13/2003: Tabled for the Calendar, House
- 05/13/2003: No New File by Committee on Appropriations
- 05/13/2003: Reported Out of Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 05/13/2003: Filed with Legislative Commissioners' Office (LCO)
- 06/2/2003: Moved to Foot of the Calendar, House(Bill 6503 Timeline)