100 days to Save the Whale
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Endangered Creatures
Resource & Relevant Links
Arctic Studies Center, 121 West 7th Avenue, Anchorage, AK
Explore the history of northern peoples, cultures, and environments and the issues that matter to northern residents today.
Defenders of Wildlife: Defenders of Wildlife, Membership Services, 1130 17th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. defenders@mail.defenders.org
Dedicated to the protection of all native wild animals and plants in their natural communities. Advocates new approaches to wildlife conservation that will help keep species from becoming endangered. Encourages protection of entire ecosystems and interconnected habitats while protecting predators that serve as indicator species for ecosystem health.
Ecology Fund: Retaining road-less wilderness and wild land is important to preserving the earth's bio-diversity. The land acquired through EcologyFund provides critical wildlife habitat to many endangered or threatened species. Establishing corridors to connect wilderness pockets is necessary for species survival. EcologyFund is owned and operated by The Hunger Site Network as a way to get new funds for critical habitat and wilderness preservation using the power of the internet.
cite: ecologyfund.com
The International Wolf Center, 3410 Winnetka Avenue North, Suite 101, Minneapolis, MN 55427
Advances the survival of wolf populations by teaching about wolves, their relationship to wild lands and the human role in their future. Responds to controversies as they arise providing information that helps people make informed decisions.
cite: wolf.org
The Wilderness Society: Protecting the last great American wilderness area, the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, from oil and gas drilling. Staving off logging and road building on 58 million acres of roadless lands. Curbing the abuse of our lands by off-road vehicle users. Protecting wild places within the lower 48 states from rampant oil development.
cite: wilderness.org
The Wilderness Society - Defending Australia's Wild Country: The Wilderness Society is a national, community-based, environmental advocacy organisation whose purpose is protecting, promoting and restoring wilderness and natural processes across Australia for the survival and ongoing evolution of life on Earth.
cite: wilderness.org.au